What We Do

Since 2020…

Our mission is to raise the vibration of our community and our planet.

About Sound Healing

Sound healing is a holistic therapeutic practice that uses the power of sound, music, and vibrations to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Sound healing is often considered a form of vibrational or energy medicine. It operates on the idea that everything in the universe is in a state of vibration, including our bodies. When our vibrations are out of balance or harmony, it can lead to physical and emotional ailments. Sound healing seeks to restore or rebalance these vibrations.

Sound healers use a variety of instruments to create specific sounds and vibrations. Common instruments include Tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, tuning forks, drums, chimes, and various string instruments. Each instrument produces unique tones and frequencies believed to have specific healing properties.

Binaural beats are a popular component of sound healing. They are created by playing two slightly different frequencies in each ear, which the brain perceives as a third, "beat" frequency. The theory is that listening to binaural beats can help synchronize brainwaves and induce states of relaxation or meditation.

The human voice is also an essential tool in sound healing. Chanting, toning, and singing specific sounds or mantras are used to create resonance within the body and mind. These vocal techniques are thought to promote healing and balance.

Sound healing often revolves around the concept of resonance. It is believed that different frequencies can resonate with various parts of the body and energy centers (chakras). By exposing a person to specific frequencies, sound healers aim to stimulate healing in particular areas.

Sound healing sessions typically involve participants lying down or sitting in a relaxed position. The sounds and vibrations produced by the instruments or the healer's voice are used to guide participants into deep states of relaxation or meditation. This state of relaxation is thought to enhance the body's natural healing processes.

Supporting Harmony Project KC, the American Jazz Museum, and more in our Kansas City community.

Wherever you are, be there totally.”

— Eckhart Tolle